Saturday, October 19, 2019

Reading summaries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Reading summaries - Essay Example For example, it could be said that teenage mothers are actually unhealthy in different aspects. Their present condition may be attributed to unaddressed dysfunctions in their emotional lives as well as family lives. Having emotional dysfunction then makes them more vulnerable to other dysfunctions in society that culminate in their making the wrong decision. According to Lupton (2012), different classes of women interpret the expectations of society in different ways. For women who have financial support, and are not unduly worried about making good salaries, they may welcome the advice to discipline their bodies and define any strictures as health-inducing. For women who have few resources, though, encouraging a discipline-based regiment will merely seem to be yet another additional burden that they have to bear. According to Macvarish (2010), teenage mothers will have a different definition of health that is based on their experiences in life. In the absence of a real depiction of what constitutes real health, they are more likely to define health as being a state of being that is defined by luck, and not any behaviors of self-preservation maintained on an individual’s

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